Who Won? Who’s Next? I Decide! (The Best Lines from) Epic Rap Battles of History!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Epic Rap Battles of History

If you’ve never heard of Epic Rap Battles of History, then you’re hanging out on the wrong parts of the internet. With almost 10 million subscribers and over 1 billion views so far, ERB has become one of the most popular channels on YouTube. Even when you don’t know much about the combatants pitted against one another, they’re still fun. And when you’re already a fan of whoever’s throwing down, it’s awesome.

One of the best things about the battles is that each side gets equal quality treatment – there are never any gimme battles. Even Hitler gets a fair shot at his opponent (which is troublesome for this particular project I’m doing here, but more on that in a minute). As such, there is never a verified winner of a battle.

Until now.

I’ve picked up the gauntlet that the narrator throws down at the end of each battle and taken much more time than was probably necessary or healthy in order to pull the best rhymes from each battle rapper in each video that Nice Peter, EpicLLOYD, and crew have put out so far. With these lines and a few other considerations, I review each Epic Rap Battle season-by-season in order to determine who won each one.

Some things to keep in mind: I’ll try to keep the draws that I call to a minimum, which means in some cases, I’ll be choosing a victor based on a very slim margin held up by very slight qualifications. Since it’s all subjective anyway, don’t take it too seriously. And while a number of characters in these raps can string a number of rhymes and lines together into a really impressive quartet or something, I’m limiting myself to just the best standalone rhyme on each side for fairness’s sake.

Also, another great thing about Epic Rap Battles is the way that they largely let their viewers decide via comments who will be featured in upcoming battles. Like every other viewer, I’ve got my own ideas on who would make a great Epic Rap Battle pairing, and I’ll be presenting those ideas after the reviews for each season are completed.

So without further ado, let’s watch some rap battles. BEGIN!