Posts Tagged ‘Rumpel’

(Warning: For those who like this show but haven’t caught up on Season 4 yet, or for those who want to start watching this show but haven’t gotten around to it, know that this article is gonna contain some massive spoilers. The title also contains a pretty glaring spoiler, while I’m at it. Sorry about that. No real way around that one. All titles come with a price, I suppose.


I don’t watch a lot of TV, but occasionally a show will come along that demands my attention and continued interest. ABC’s Once Upon a Time is one such show. Fairytale character crossovers aren’t a new idea, but they remain a good one. I haven’t seen an attempt so far that I haven’t liked (after the second or third Shrek movie, anyway), but Once is definitely one of the better ones. And by far the biggest reason for this is the character of Rumpelstiltskin.

Read on, dearie